понеділок, 18 жовтня 2010 р.


JAMon (Java Application Monitor) is incredible easy-to-use roll for performance measurment for your web application. It's incredible easy to start using
What you need - add a bit code to monitored places (you are going to get frequency invokes and time), and then you are completly set. Also, you can use AOP (aspect-oriented programing) to dynamicly add performance monitorin to your applciation.
In tipycal case Jamon using is:
private void f(){
  Monitor mon = MonitorFactory.start("packadge.className.methodName");

* This source code was highlighted with Source Code Highlighter.

The time will be measured from monitor instanced till monitor stop. You available to check min/max/avg and lst execution time for each monitor. The result can be logged with log4j, or you can check it at web UI (Jamon has special war out-of-box), or you can process/show statistic yourself.

I used JBoss, so I just copied Jamon.war deployment diectory and got beautifil, useful statistic at http://host:port/jamon/jamonadmin.jsp .
Note! In this case you must to SHARE jamon-*.jar library between two applciations - put it to specefic directory for your AS

четвер, 14 жовтня 2010 р.


Чудове порівняння різних аспектів перфомансу сучасних технологій передачі даних між аплікаціями http://code.google.com/p/thrift-protobuf-compare/wiki/BenchmarkingV2

Як на мене, Google ProtoBuf показав себе якнайкраще
Один з графіків (побудований, доречі, за допомогою Google Chart Api:))